08 March 2015

WUDAC Meeting Minutes Tuesday 1-13-15

Wheaton Urban District Advisory Committee

Mid-County Regional Center, 2424 Reedie Drive< Wheaton MD 20902

Meeting Minutes, Tuesday January 13, 2015


Members Present:  Devala Janardan(Chair), Tom Stanton(Vice-Chair), William Moore, Derry Goberdhansingh, Carlos Perozo, Leah Haygood, Rick Kessler, Dan Thompson

Staff Present:  Ana Lopez van Balen, Director, Mid-County Regional Services Center

Guests:  Andrew Rollo, resident. Randall Spandoni, resident.  Henriot St. Gerard, MCCAB. Laura-Leigh Palmer, resident. Marian Fryer, resident. Richard Madaleno, MD State Senator


Call to Order:  6:33pm by Chair Devala Janardan.  A review of the December minutes followed.  A motion was made and passed to approve the minutes without changes

Community Concerns:  Andrew Rollo, resident, asked about status of Westfield movie theater.  The status was unknown.

Marian Fryer requested a copy of the meeting minutes and received it.  It was noted that the Blog had not been updated in some time.  Devala agreed to look into updating it.

Old Business:  A copy of a draft of a letter to the County Executive in support of Westfield in their development negotiations with WMATA was distributed and discussed by WUDAC.  After discussion a motion was made and passed to send the letter as written.

Special Guest: Ana Lopez van Balen introduced Senator Richard Madaleno and this was followed by member and guest introductions.

Richard continued with a brief background on himself and then participated in a question and answer session with WUDAC members. Some topics included the Purple line, budget impacts, and Arts and Entertainment, especially how it relates to Wheaton’s A&E designation.  During the discussion all members weighed in on why they felt the Arts were important to Wheaton.  Frequently mentioned was the need for venues and an identity for Wheaton.

Senator Madaleno then left for another engagement and the discussion continued, led by Chair Janardan.  He stated that the A&E committee needs to follow up on leads presented by Sen. Madaleno, specifically mentioning Hyattsville and Petworth.  A report will be made at our February meeting.  A motion was made and passed to send a thank you letter to Sen. Madaleno.

Directors Report:  Ana Lopez van Balen noted that she has been working with MCCAB on a presentation on Redevelopment plans, including topics of frequently asked questions and assistance for small business, etc.  The Wheaton website will be the voice for this.  She also informed WUDAC that she had met with Latino businesses last week to encourage them to get involved with the Small Business Assessment.

Ana passed out a copy of a letter of support for the NEA “Our Town” grant written by the Wheaton & Kensington Chamber of Commerce.  She believes we have a strong chance to get the grant this year.

Ana briefly spoke of the status of the Library design.  It’s over budget and needs to go back to committee.  Lastly, she brought up that she was working with Westfield on a problem with shopping carts that are leaving the mall and being abandoned in surrounding neighborhoods.

Adjourn:  8:06pm